Saturday, June 24, 2006

Finding a Vision...

I've been "re-reading" (listening to an audio version of) David Allen's amazing book Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. I will no doubt blog further on this work in the future, as it made a dramatic improvement at the way I approach my "to do" lists.

For this blog entry, I wanted to relate David's advice for creating a vision "in three easy steps" :)

  • View the project from beyond the completion point
  • Envision what wild success would look like (and suspend any "yeah, but..." thoughts)
  • Capture the features, aspects, and qualities you imagined in place
At the office we've been working to establish our vision for Data Warehousing at Children's Hospital. I am really excited about this because we have the right people, technology, and funding to create a world class data warehousing program. Coming up with the vision first allows us to focus our efforts and decide in advance how we'll make some of the tough decisions that lay ahead.


TheTart said...

Small world ... my background is in healthcare business. Is the data claims data?

The Tart
; )

Eric Kramer said...

I'm glad you're not one of those "data are" (vs. "data is") people. You're much more charming this way...

The data is clinical patient data (i.e., data about the treaments/care they received at the hospital, as well as diagnostic/lab reports). It's definitely a "keep-an-eye-on-the-tips-of-those-icebergs" setup since there is SOOO much data...locked up in SOOO many different systems.