Friday, December 05, 2008

Moon Song Gallery - Putting on the Finishing Touches

After what seems like eons, we've been putting the finishing touches on Moon Song Gallery!  The gallery spotlights the work of central Ohio artists with works in a variety of media, including:

The software that runs the Gallery is written in Ruby on Rails and is hosted on a Blue Host server.  We integrated the site with Google Checkout for online credit card payment processing, which worked out pretty well (they even help calculate sales tax and estimated shipping costs).  Google Analytics provides some fancy reports showing traffic levels, search term hits, etc.

If you have a chance, stop on over!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fan-darn-tastic Baked Kale Chips

I came across a recipe for Kale Chips on vegweb a while back. Since then I've adapted/adjusted the recipe. Making these seems to be a bit of an art so definitely adjust/adapt to your liking. Before trying these, my wife at best tolerated kale. Now she actively buys it at the market!!

Fan-darn-tastic Baked Kale Chips

  • 1 bunch of kale, washed and rinsed
  • 2 T Olive oil
  • 2 T Vinegar (e.g., Cider, Red Wine, Rice, etc.)
  • 1 tsp interesting seasoning (e.g., garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, black pepper, etc.)
  • 1 tsp salt or 1 T tamari
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  • Cut kale into approximately 3-inch pieces (discard large central stems)
  • Whisk together oil, vinegar, seasoning, salt/tarmari
  • In a bowl or clean plastic bag, toss liquid ingredients and kale
  • Lay kale onto cookie sheet(s) in a single layer
  • Bake approximately 10 minutes, flipping halfway through until they're crisp
CAVEAT BAKOR!! These puppies are awesome if you cook them just until they just crispen, turning jade green. If you overcook them, they'll turn brownish and be disasterously bitter. Better to undercook a batch (i.e., slightly soggy but edible) than to render it compost!

Here's a great picture of a kale chip from a similar kale chip recipe by "28 Cooks"

Friday, November 17, 2006

When Error Messages Ring True...

At work we use a program from BusinessObjects for designing how users can access the data in our data warehouse. This design is something called a BusinessObjects "universe". While trying to deploy my design this morning, I received this error message:

I knew it! (Images of Atlas with the world on his shoulders came to mind.) Not only can you not "save the universe", but in order to troubleshoot this problem you have to "destroy the universe"! Little did I know that work with these tools would be an exercise in eschatology! Heavy stuff.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ferris goes around

After a few days of relative quiet we thought we'd depleted our supply of rodent visitors. Fear not! With the capture of Ferris this morning we brought our total to three furry captures. My 8-year-old Ben ran into our bedroom this morning and excitedly related his morning Rodent Capture Status Report (RCSR) "Dad, we caught another mouse!"

When I released Ferris in a leaf pile in the woods he looked up and blinked at me quizically. "Where's the Peanut Butter, dude?" (Just be glad we're vegetarians, my friend...)

And below we see Rufus, pouting. That's three for the humans, zero for the cat. Better luck next time, pussycat.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Catching Fifi

Given our recent success capturing Fidel, we decided to invest in some humane mousetraps available from PlanetNatural. While not as cool and homemade looking as Steve Smith's freely available plans I used earlier, this thing rocks! You can even drop a Saltine cracker in a slot at the end so that when you open the "escape door", the mouse has to eat his/her way out (giving you time, if you're so inclined, to shreek "eeeek!" and run far away). We bought two of these and will leave them set. It will be interesting to see how many more Friends of Fidel/Fifi we capture!

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fidel the Houseguest

Recently while spending some R&R time in the basement, we heard a scratching noise coming from the ceiling. A few moments later the scratching noise turned into a scurrying noise and we realized we had an uninvited guest of the rodent-kind.

Mice are People, Too!
I have an enduring (but not endearing) memory from my childhood of one rainy weekend when my mom set up mousetraps throughout the house. Being me, I set about disarming these puppies whenever I could manage, but eventually one of her traps caught a mouse. Though my mom was quite willing to set the traps, she wouldn't bring herself to empty the trap, instead insisting that I empty it. That's when I realized that the mouse was still alive (but obviously not, shall we say, "viable for the long term"). After many tears of frustration and anger, I vowed to never do something so cruel, especially to such a small creature.

Round One
So back to the here-and-now. We had a mouse, and apparently a rather fast one. I searched the web for "humane mousetrap" and came up with a great site with some simple homemade trap ideas and lots of encouragement. My first prototype was constructed from a cookie sheet, an 11x7 glass dish, a bamboo skewer, a toothpick, and a big blob of Organic Neufchatel cheese. When I excitedly showed my wife what I'd created using our cookware, she was, uh..., less-than-excited. :) After some multi-day negotiations, she gave her blessing and the Cosmo 3000 was reset. I eagerly waited... and waited. Then one morning I woke to find the cheese...gone! Grrr.

An aside...
Being a dedicated amateur mouse hunter, I felt I could take the license to name our guest. For some reason the name Fidel fit, so we went with it.

Round Two
After several days of human-sets-trap-with-bait-that-mouse-enjoys-as-meal, I looked for another design. I hadn't given up on the Cosmo 3000 entirely, though. I just needed to try something else. I made a couple of tweaks to its design, applied a liberal application of Organic Peanut Butter, and then moved on to the creating the next design.

The Cosmo 4000 was constructed using a bucket, a long tube (sort of like a paper towel roll), some chop sticks and a pile of books. (Trust me, that puppy was built to catch the mouse, not kill it.) The theory was that if I put peanut butter in one end of the tube, then precariously balanced it on the edge of the bucket, the mouse would go after the peanut butter, setting the tube over the edge and into the bucket, where he would hopefully stay.

At precisely 12:15 AM I heard a big "thud" and tore out of bed, ran to the kitchen, and flipped on the light. Nothing in the bucket. Fidel must have either climbed out quickly or else kicked the darn thing over to taunt me. I diligently reset the trap and went back to bed. Five minutes later, "thud!" Same result... no Fidel. We went four rounds (every five minutes) until the last round when I found him in the bucket! As I reached for something to clamp on top, he zipped up the size, scurried over the books, and shot back into the cabinet (and through the small hole that let him hide behind the dishwasher). Rats!!

This must have been too close of a call, as Fidel gave up on the over-the-falls-in-a-tube-of-peanut-butter ride.

The Next Morning
I awoke the next morning to my wife excitedly informing me that Fidel had been caught in the Cosmo 3000 Cookware Trap. And that he looked dead, maybe smooshed by the cookware. Aww, man. All of that effort and I might as well just have used a conventional trap! :(. As I went down to check on him though, he perked up and I realized he was actually OK (but his leg might've had a cramp from being stuck under some cookware for hours). Fidel Lives! (and the trap works!)

The Release
After Fidel regained his sea legs I took him down away from the house to a wooded spot he would hopefully enjoy as a new home. My wife, being ever kind-hearted, had me bring a handful of nuts to toss down nearby for him to snack on. As soon as I let him go, however, he zoomed away, wanting nothing more to do with me. (Can you blame him?)

The Jealous Cat
Our housecat, Rufus, squawked at me when I came back in the house. I think he was jealous that I had caught the mouse. Or perhaps mad that we didn't collaborate (human=mouse catcher, cat=mouse disposer).

You can see the full-size images of Fidel (and the Cosmo 3000/4000) in this gallery of my PicasaWeb page.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

But, Dad...

I love teaching my sons things to stretch their brains. When Ben was younger, I taught him to fingerspell (a la "sign language"). He learned it pretty quickly and (while it was novel) enjoyed it.

I recently introduced Ben'Ollie to fingerspelling. One thing you must know, however, is that Ollie has a fascination with words that you'd probably expect a 5-10 year old to have a fascination with... (e.g., diaper, potty, toilet, etc.). The photo here shows Ollie gleefully completing his first finger-spelled word: B-U-T-T. He knows he's not allowed to say it aloud, but he had a big giggly grin on his face after fingerspelling it.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Gotchya, Ben!

Today marks Ben's 8th "Gotchya Day" celebration. Gotchya Day celebrates the day that your adopted child joined your family.

Ben's absolute favorite restaurant is Mongolian BBQ so we went there tonight and met up with Grandma and Grandpa Kotch. Ollie enjoyed playing with his dinosaur and assorted action figure toys. Ben had a good time making two trips to the grill with some good fixin's! Posted by Picasa

School Begins!

Last week the boys both started school. Ben is very happy to be with two of his best buddies in a third-/fourth-grade split class. Ollie excitedly started Kindergarten! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 25, 2006

Back at it!

Next week marks the end of Summer as far as my boys are concerned. They've had a whirlwind summer, with lots of time spent learning swimming, playing chess, Lego Star Wars, lightsaber duels, riding bikes, ...whew, the list goes on...

This coming school year marks Ollies transition to Kindergarten. He's very excited to go to the "big kids school". Ben will be in the third grade. Here you can see Ben and Ollie with their friends Cecilia (left), and Eric (third from left). Posted by Picasa