Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ode to Lentils... Yum!

I titled this entry "Ode to Lentils" because they are one of my absolute favorite raw foods. Lentils are a legume (i.e., in the "bean" family). They're chocked with iron, protien, and soluable fiber ("Fiber is your friend!"). I love their slightly peppery taste!

I'm including a recipe for those who haven't tried lentils. It's pretty easy and low-effort.

Lentil Puree
3 1/2 c broth
2 c dry lentils, rinsed
1 bay leaf
1 clove garlic, pressed/chopped
2 T olive oil
2 T butter (or margerine, etc.)
Splash of tobasco sauce (opt.)

1. Rinse the lentils, removing any debris that might be mixed in (e.g., small stones).
2. Throw the broth, bay leaf, garlic, and lentils into a pot and simmer/boil gently for about 15-20 minutes until the lentils are soft.
3. Drain the lentils and remove the bay leaf.
4. Mash the cooked lentils with a potato masher (or if you don't have one, a fork and some patience will suffice).
5. Stir in the olive oil and butter. Add salt to taste.


TheTart said...

Yum! I love lentils. Many thanks for the recipe ... guess what I am having tomorrow. ; )

For the broth do you use chicken or beef?
Let me know.

The Tart
; )

BTW nice blog!

Eric Kramer said...

I usually use vegetable broth... or add a couple tablespoons of tamari. Hope you enjoy it, lady tart. :)